Adaptive Quiz Plugin

Adaptive Quiz Permissions

The Adaptive Quiz permissions are assigned to user via roles. To add/edit a role go to the Settings block > Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles. To edit the permissions for an existing role select the edit icon or add a new role by selecting the Add a new role button at the bottom of the page.

The 3 Adaptive Quiz permissions are:
  1. Add a new adaptive quiz: Create a role with this permission enabled to allow users to add a new adaptive quiz. For example, allowing this permission for a teacher role will give teachers the capability to create adaptive quizzes in their courses.
  2. Review adaptive quiz submissions: This permission is not being used. The capabilities for this permission were added to the next permission, "View adaptive quiz reports".
  3. View adaptive quiz reports: This permission gives users the capabilities to view adaptive quiz reports and to view quiz submissions.
Adaptive quiz permissions